It would make me sad to think about print design fading out and dying, because I love it. I think there’s something amazing about holding a piece of print in your hands – feeling the texture and thickness of the paper… the smell of the ink… the vibrancy of the colour, and the way a nice photo pops off the page. Is this just me being weird? Perhaps. I understand the use of the web, and think of it as a primary information tool, but there is something beautiful about ink on paper.
Maybe it is my overly visual perspective talking but I constantly am drawn to good design, on and offline (I would hope this is typical for most graphic designers). A visually stunning piece will trigger my attention, in turn, winning my business. Yes, call me shallow, but if you hand me a nice business card, I will take you more seriously.
For example: I was recently hunting for a new place to get my hair cut. Feeling frustrated, looking quite shaggy and really needed to find a salon, I remembered seeing a unique piece of print from Crop Hair Boutique. This shop’s design (by ReThink Communications) makes me weak in the knees. Its beautiful, and it doesn’t look like “Red Deer.” I decided to go to Crop, came out with a hip new ‘do, and a hope that more local businesses would follow in their footsteps. The Redpoint team would love to help you!
I don’t know if print will be dead in 10 years, or if every graphic artist will have to morph into a web designer, but whatever the future of design holds, I know it is going to be good. The design industry is constantly progressing and changing. It is hard to keep up! We offer awesome design services to Red Deer, because we want to see local businesses grow and succeed. Why? Well… we love Red Deer!