The Designer’s Notebook

Settlement Tales Book Launch


Industry News

Today was an amazing day. Sonya and I took in the launch of the Central Alberta Historical Society’s book launch for “Settlement Tales of West Central Alberta – The Markerville Story” – a coffee table history book about the characters in and around the Markerville area. We designed the book, but we certainly don’t deserve a lot of the credit for such a fine final product. We first started this project almost a year a go, and Sonya toiled through almost 300 pages of content to create a remarkable anthology of life and history.

Lynn norman of the Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery has been working for more than 4 years on the project, writing and editing, not to mention the efforts of the Central Alberta Historical Society. The book represents innumerable hours of work by many many people. I found it humbling to see the efforts of so many working together–so many times we don’t realize what is going on behind a design project at all. This book launch really highlighted for me how small we are in the process. Our clients sweat and effort often supplied us with material to work with. We just dress it up a little.

If you’d like a book, contact the Central Alberta Historical Society or the Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery.


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