The Designer’s Notebook

Collaboration + the College of Paramedics


Clients Web Design

We had a marvelous opportunity this summer to collaborate with a major Edmonton web development firm to develop a new online presence for the Alberta College of Paramedics. The College has an incredible amount of content and required a major re-working of the site design, layout and navigation structure.

Enter redengine. Meet Redpoint…

Redengine provided the research, architecture and the content management programming (RCM), while we created the xhtml, css and the visual design. The site went live today, culminating about 3-4 months of work. We were proud to see the content easily found (our #1 goal) and that the software running the site integrated so easily with our design. Hats off certainly goes to the development team – this site has one of the most advanced content management systems we’ve seen.

Congratulations has to go to the crew at the College of Paramedics for being open to working partnerships like this. It certainly paid dividends in this case!

Alberta College of Paramedics new Website

icon of a handshake

Every brand has a website

We’d love to help you with yours.



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