While helping out at this past week’s Social Media Breakfast Red Deer (SMBRD) I was talking with a client and rambled out the “client interaction continuum”, with a laugh. I felt kind of smart, so I thought I’d pen out a quick illustration of what I was saying.
A few months ago, at a #SMBRD with Amplomedia out of Edmonton, Lance mentioned that the most shared images on the internet are animals. That got me thinking … if you can find your company’s “Cat video” it starts you off on the continuum – fun and relaxed first. As you continue on, you add ever more serious things – local events, information, helpful tips and so on. Eventually, you will get to a place where your trusted followers will be ready to interact on a business level. You could call it the social interaction sales funnel, with more cats.
Within the social sphere though, you also have a second axis – the positive/negative scale in this illustration. Getting drunk might have been funny, but it’s terribly unsuitable for most social feeds. So keep it to the positive.