The Designer’s Notebook

Client Interaction Continuum

Client Interaction Continuum

While helping out at this past week’s Social Media Breakfast Red Deer (SMBRD) I was talking with a client and rambled out the “client interaction continuum”, with a laugh. I felt kind of smart, so I thought I’d pen out a quick illustration of what I was saying.

A few months ago, at a #SMBRD with Amplomedia out of Edmonton, Lance mentioned that the most shared images on the internet are animals. That got me thinking … if you can find your company’s “Cat video” it starts you off on the continuum – fun and relaxed first. As you continue on, you add ever more serious things – local events, information, helpful tips and so on. Eventually, you will get to a place where your trusted followers will be ready to interact on a business level. You could call it the social interaction sales funnel, with more cats.

Within the social sphere though, you also have a second axis – the positive/negative scale in this illustration. Getting drunk might have been funny, but it’s terribly unsuitable for most social feeds. So keep it to the positive.

You could call it the social interaction sales funnel, with more cats.

As an example: Google’s “Funny Cat” is the google doodles. Everyone loves them, and it humanizes their brand. With that in mind, here is my equivalent of a funny cat video. There are ducks and shaggy cows! Enjoy:


Let’s get started!

We’d love to talk with you about your company and where you want to take it.